Cat Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Skip to main content


The Sydney Royal Cat Show is one of the most popular animal competitions at the Easter Show with cats a precious part of the lives of so many Australians.

The Cat competition is part of our Domestic Animals section which aims to highlight the place domestic animals occupy within our community.

Cats first appeared during the Sydney Royal Easter Show in the late 19th Century, and today the competition is one of the most prestigious feline events of its kind.

Four Championship Cat Shows are held during the Sydney Royal Easter Show along with a Breed Display Day. For Exhibitors it's a chance to showcase their dedication and hard work while Show-goers have the opportunity to see and interact with Cats of all breeds, personalities and colours.


2025 Sydney Royal Cat Championship Shows

11 April - 22 April 2025

Sydney Royal Easter Show

Proudly sponsored by

Open Championship Cat Show

To enter the Advance™ Sydney Royal Cat Shows, please contact the Association Administrator.

ANCATS - Home (

NSW CFA- NSWCFA | New South Wales Cat Fanciers Assoc | Pedigree Cat Registering

Cats NSW - Cats NSW

Cats Australia - Cats Australia

Cat Display Days


To participate in our Cat Breed Display day, please contact the Domestic Animals Coordinator at Our Cat Display Day will be held on Sunday 24 March, 2024, in Hall 3, Pet Pavilion. Clubs and breeders are free to participate in the full day promotion providing a great chance to promote and advertise your breed, as well as educate the public about responsible pet ownership.


Bump in and Bump Out

Bump In

Benching and vetting of exhibits commence at 6.30am daily. The pavilion will not be open before 6.30am each morning. Exhibitors are reminded that it is a condition of entry that exhibits must be benched from 9:00am to 5:00pm. 


Bump Out

Cats may not be removed from the Pet Pavilion before 5pm unless in exceptional circumstances, or authorised in writing from the Chief Steward and Veterinarian only. This is a condition of entry for Sydney Royal and must be ahered to. Security staff will be on duty directing Exhibitors to ensure the delivery and collection of Exhibits is conducted in a safe and timely manner. All instructions provided by our security staff MUST be followed. Your patience and cooperation with our security staff is appreciated. Drivers must not leave their vehicles unattended.



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