My Favourite Time of the Year Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Skip to main content

My Favourite Time of the Year

Posted on 15 August 2023
The 200th Anniversary of the Sydney Royal Easter Show commences on my 84th Birthday. I have been going to the Show for as long as I can remember, firstly at Moore Park. I then, as time went on, took my four children to Moore Park. They, of course loved the Ring Events, all the animals and Showbags.
Over time, when the Show moved to Homebush Bay in 1998, I am an RAS Member and on the very first show, I was a Volunteer and afterwards as well. I showed people around the grounds, supervised cat pavilion, dog pavilion etc. helped with maps uniform. 
I have shown my cats, one received the C.C.of A.C, she was a Black Oriental and my Dalmatian Dog. For the last few years, I have entered the Perishable Cooking, won the Carrot Cake one year. Have a Second and Highly Commended. This year I will enter three classes in Perishable Cooking. CORALIE RICHMOND BEd..J.P....OAM.

My Favourite Time of the Year

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